
Hello, I'm
Developer | Designer.

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About me
Hello there! I'm Deepraj Bera, a dedicated and ambitious BTech student majoring in CS 💻 Engg at KIIT University. My journey in the world of technology has been marked by a profound passion for learning and a keen interest in both frontend 🌐 and backend development 🚀.
My journey has led me to explore the exciting realm of AI/ML 🤖, where I have successfully implemented models using powerful tools. Developing ML models is not just a skill for me; its a passion that drives me to contribute to innovative projects 📂.
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What I Do

I enjoy creating delightful,

human-centered digital experiences.

Think. Make.

Who I Work With

Art Direction Designers Developers.

I research and create breakthrough - delightful ideas, leading visual designers.
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Some of My



The project aims to provide stock price predictions for a given ticker symbol using historical stock data. The web application allows users to input a ticker symbol, and it retrieves the corresponding stock data using the Yahoo Finance API. The application then utilizes two models to predict future stock prices: a traditional machine learning model and a bi-directional LSTM model. The predicted prices are displayed on a web page along with historical price charts and other stock information.


This project is a HealthCare Management System developed using Flask, a web framework in Python. The system allows users to register as patients or doctors, book appointments, and predict diseases based on symptoms. Doctors can view and manage appointments, while patients can track their appointments and update their profiles. Additionally, the system provides information on various health-related topics through blog posts.


In this project, we are building a web application that allows users to upload and apply various processing techniques using the ClipDrop API. The main features of the application include:
- Inpainting
- Reimagine
- Sketch to image
- Remove Background
- Image upscaling
- Text to Image


TravelScape is a web-based travel management platform designed to simplify the travel planning experience. It offers a user-friendly interface that empowers travelers to seamlessly organize their trips, from booking accommodations to finding the perfect flights. The platform aims to enhance the way users explore destinations, providing curated tours, and simplifying the travel logistics.

Why Still on Phone?

Go to Desktop for experiencing the amazing Animations.

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Let’s Work

I’d love to meet up with you to discuss your venture, and potential collaborations.
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